Thank you so much Organic Cotton Plus! I always love your products and this sweater is going to be cherished for generations to come!

Creation: Pier 9 Sweater
Yarn Used: Naturally Dyed Wool Yarn (Indigo)
The Visionary: Karly, Paisley Roots
Our Thoughts: Karly used our wool yarn that is naturally dyed Indigo and our knitting needles. This sweater is just so beautiful and looks so warm and cozy!

I am so excited for todays post! Today I am reviewing Organic Cotton Plus' Naturally Dyed Yarn. I'm absolutely in love with it and the sweater I made!
*The yarn and knitting needles were provided for this review but all opinions are my own.
I have always loved knitted sweaters. My grandmother loved to knit and it's one of the few things I knew about her. I still own a few baby sweaters she knitted for me and my siblings as babies and I had always wanted to learn. There's just something about a hand knitted sweater. To me it's warmth and love and I couldn't wait to make this one.

For this sweater I chose to make Aevs the Pier 30 Sweater by Melissa Schaschwary.
Organic Cotton Plus has a great variety of Naturally Dyed Yarn, and after quite a bit of debating, I decided to go with Indigo Blue. The color matches Aevs eye color sooo well! The Avacado Green was also a top contender and is going to be the color of my next sweater. It's just so beautiful!

I'm still learning to knit, so it took me quite a while to finish making this sweater. It's a size 10 that I lengthened just a little bit. You can find updates of it over on my Instagram.
I used size 6-26 and size 9-26 knitting needles to make this sweater. They were perfect to work with. I also used just over 3 skiens of the yarn. I think I have enough left to make a little hat to match!

The yarn is dyed with eco-friendly, all-natural vegetable dyes. And yes, this dye will turn your hand the color of the yarn while you are knitting. It washes off very easily though! My kids thought it was the greatest thing that my fingers were all blue after I'd been knitting.

Aevs said the sweater is really soft and hasn't been itchy at all while wearing. That's of course one of the most important things!

I'm quite smitten with it and really cannot wait to make another!
What color would you choose to make a sweater?